
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

dog days of...may?

There's lots happening in the garden these days. All is in full swing. I picked up my tomato plants last week and now have over 250 (mostly) heirloom plants nicely planted in their new homes. I've also planted some beans, pole and bush including yellow, green and purple varieties. Zucchini, melon, squash and cucumbers have been planted at my house (to avoid a cucumber beetle infestation like last years). Lastly, I've started putting in my peppers (capsicum) broccoli (calabrese) and cabbage. 
This spring so far seems to be the exact opposite of last seasons incessant rain. Hot and dry (and I fear this is just the beginning). Many crops are already wilting under the unseasonable heat so I've already had to start watering. I remain optomistic though, I have a nice natural pond situated directly beside the garden with a pump for watering and I reuse all my gray (shower and dish) water down at the house. 
Unfortunately my asparagus has been attacked by the unwanted asparagus beetle. The very mild winter we experienced worries me that there are many more over-wintered insects just waiting to pop out of the ground and wreak havok on my beloved plants. This is where organic gardening starts to get a little tricky. 

 Freshly harvested camomile. My plants look fantastic this year. I plan on harvesting and drying as much as possible to sell at the stand this season.
 A nice picturesque view of Tawse.

A closer up view of my new gate.
 I've decided to label all my crops this year with handmade burlap flags.
 Old barrel staves painted in chalkboard paint will make nice reusable signs.
Peas trellised with grapevines.

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